Educational Links and Resources
Educational Links & Resources for Students & Teachers
- Ag In The Classroom – teach kids the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.
- Arbor Day Foundation for Kids – Fun activities from the Arbor Day folks!
- Environmental Education for Kids – Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Fun and games about water, trees, wildlife, environment.
- EPA Kids’ Page – Students and Educators
- EPA Educational Resources for Students/Youth
- Farm Safety 4 Just Kids – Provides resources and training to individuals and communities to conduct farm safety awareness and education programs.
- – Do you and your students know where all Nebraska’s lakes and other great outdoor adventures are? Find out here.
- Groundwater Foundation’s KID’s CORNER – Great groundwater lessons and activities for students.
- – Do you and your students know where the closest hiking, biking, and backpacking trails are? Find out here.
- NASA – learn how NASA science affects our resources
- National Geographic Kids
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
- Natural Resources Conservation Service teachers and kids’ page
- River of Words - Combining Watershed knowledge with expressions in art and poetry.
- Recycling Education Resources for Kids and Teachers -Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Students and Educators- (EPA) The United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Soil Health – Learn all about soils
- TREES ARE GOOD – All kinds of tree education links
- U.S. Geological Survey’s Learning Web - Lots of science, science
- Water Cycle Game – An interactive game designed by NASA.
- USDA – Sci4Kids – Cool experiments and neat information about science related to agriculture.
- USDA Forest Service Kids’ Page - A forest full of tree education
- WATER EDUCATION LINKS – More water fun than you can fit in a bucket!
- Platte Watershed In Motion - Learn about the Platte Watershed
Some of these are:
- Project Learning Tree is a Tree and forest-centered conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness-to-action material group, it is a hands-on education program.
- WET or Water Education for Teachers water-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness-to-action material group, it is a hands-on education program.
- Soil Science K-12 Teacher Resources, from Soil Science Society of America
- Project WILD, wildlife-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness-to-action material group, it is a hands-on education program. This is in all 50 states. This is available in both English and Spanish.
- Flying WILD K-12, offers a whole-school approach to environmental education using birds as the focus. Targeted for the middle-school audience, though widely adaptable, Flying WILD offers practical hands-on classroom and outdoor field investigation
- Taking Action is a part of Project WILD, but is centered more around getting out in the field and taking action in our environment.
- Aquatic WILD aquatic wildlife-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students.
- Flying WILD fowl wildlife-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students.
- Growing up WILD early childhood education curriculum that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them.
Some agencies that have educational pages are:
- NRCS or the Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Brain Pop Science
- Jr Brain Pop Science
- For Weather Education tips with the National Weather Service click here.
By Topic:
We have many water programs. Some of the helpful learning resources we have are:
Some of the helpful learning resources for soils are:
- United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Soils Education Programs here
- Natural Resources Conservation Service Soils Education Resources Page here
Some of the helpful learning resources for plants are:
- Environmental Education Resources here
Some of the helpful learning resources for trees are:
- Project Learning Tree Nebraska here
- Nebraska Forest Service, Conservation Education here
- New PLT Curriculum Introduces Youth to Green Careers here
Some of the helpful learning resources for wildlife are:
- Aquatic WILD K-12 Guide
- Environmental Education Resources here
- Neighborhood Safari with National Geographic Here
Some of the helpful learning resources for habitat are: