Nitrogen Credits for Manure & Legume Crops

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Agricultural Best Management Practices
Nitrogen Credits for Manure & Legume Crops
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for corn, and fertilizer is only one nitrogen source. Other sources are irrigation water, soil, organic matter, previous bean or alfalfa crops, and manure. Farmers who take advantage of these other nitrogen sources often can apply less fertilizer.
Here’s how to calculate the amount of nitrogen corn can obtain from manure and previous crops of bean or alfalfa, based on University of Nebraska recommendations:
- Manure: The amount of nitrogen released by manure spread on a field can vary greatly, depending on the type of manure and soil conditions (mainly moisture and temperature). If possible, have a sample analyzed at a laboratory to determine nitrogen content. Otherwise, assume that beef cattle feedlot manure will supply 4 to 6 pounds of nitrogen per acre per ton of manure applied to the next crop and about half that amount in the second year.
- Previous bean or alfalfa crops: Dry edible beans, alfalfa, and other legumes fix nitrogen – that is, they take nitrogen from the atmosphere or soil and convert it to a form they can use. When these plants die, they release nitrogen back into the soil. A good alfalfa stand should leave 80 to 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre to be used by the following crop. A 50-percent stand should provide from 40 to 60 pounds per acre. Dry edible beans will leave about 40 pounds of nitrogen per acre for the following year’s corn crop.
Additional Resources
Contact the Cooperative Extension or USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service for more details and information.
Online Resources
- Estimating Manure Nutrients from Livestock and Poultry (Extension NebGuide)
- Determining Available Crop Nutrients from Manure (Extension NebGuide)
- University of Nebraska IANR Extension Information
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