Soil and Water Regulations


Landowners, farmers and others should be aware of several regulatory requirements established to protect soil and water quality:

  • Well Registration
  • Sedimentation & Erosion
  • Improper Irrigation Runoff

Well Registration

State law requires water well owners to register wells with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources within 60 days of completion. This includes all domestic, stock, irrigation, industrial, monitoring, observation, injection and municipal wells, regardless of the pumping capacity. The only wells exempt from registration are small domestic wells drilled before Sept. 9, 1993; test holes; and dewatering wells with an intended use of 90 days or less.

Landowners also must register new or replacement wells within 30 days after completion. There is a registration fee. Law also requires that registrations be kept up to date. When land changes ownership, the new owner must contact DNR to change the name on the well registration. There is no fee for well modifications.

Owners of "illegal" wells can be served with cease-and-desist orders to shut the well down and have it decommissioned (filled and sealed). Protected by Section 46-707 (h) Nebraska Groundwater Management and Protection Act

Well registrations can be checked online: Nebraska Registered Water Wells database

Sedimentation & Erosion

The North Platte NRD has established rules and regulations to enforce the Erosion and Sediment Control Act. The program requires landowners to prevent erosion or sedimentation on their land beyond soil-loss limits established for different soil types in the District.

This program is important because conservation and preservation of the land, water and other resources of the district:

  • Substantially reduce the sediment and erosion damage within the district
  • Safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the district’s citizens
  • Preserve the value of land and its productive capability for present and future generations
  • Prevent the pollution of streams and ponds, and (e) reduce the danger of flooding

The NRD investigates complaints about sedimentation and erosion. The District will work with the parties involved to solve the problem, and it can bring in the authorities that have the power to issue cease and desist orders to enforce statutes or rules and regulations.

Improper Irrigation Runoff

Irrigators who use groundwater are required by state law and NRD rules and regulations to control or prevent the runoff of their irrigation water. Several methods may be used to prevent used irrigation water from running onto neighboring property, or a landowner may reach an agreement with their neighbor.

The NRD investigates complaints about improper irrigation runoff. The District will work with the parties involved to solve the problem, and it has the athority to  power to issue cease and desist orders to enforce statutes or rules and regulations.

More Soil and Water Regulations:

Photo of Groundwater Allocations

Groundwater Allocations

In June 2007, the North Platte NRD Board of Directors voted to set an allocation on groundwater irrigation wells in the over appropriated area of the district and the Pumpkin Creek Management Area. This… Read More
Photo of Flow Meters

Flow Meters

The North Platte, Natural Resources District requires the installation and use of approved flow meters on all regulated wells within the Over-appropriated and Fully-appropriated Areas of the District. Flow… Read More
Photo of Chemigation


  Landowners in the North Platte Natural Resources District are reminded that state law requires anyone who chemigates (applies agricultural chemicals through an irrigation system) to follow State Chemigation… Read More
Photo of Telemetry Monitoring

Telemetry Monitoring

 The North Platte NRD began a telemetry project in the spring of 2016 with the goal of reading groundwater flow meters remotely. In the first phase of this project, close to 300 flow meters had an AMCi… Read More