Natural Resources Links
Below is a compiled list of helpful links and resources for a variety of natural resources in Nebraska and nationwide.
Natural Resources Districts:
- Central Platte NRD
- Lewis & Clark NRD
- Little Blue NRD
- Lower Big Blue NRD
- Lower Elkhorn NRD
- Lower Loup NRD
- Lower Niobrara NRD
- Lower Platte North NRD
- Lower Platte South NRD
- Lower Republican NRD
- Middle Niobrara NRD
- Middle Republican NRD
- Nemaha NRD
- Papio-Missouri NRD
- South Platte NRD
- Tri-Basin NRD
- Twin Platte NRD
- Upper Big Blue NRD
- Upper Elkhorn NRD
- Upper Loup NRD
- Upper Niobrara-White NRD
- Upper Republican NRD
- Nebraska Association of Resources Districts
Conservation & Natural Resources
- The National Arbor Day Foundation
- Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
- Nebraska Department of Natural Resources
- Nebraska Department of Natural Resources Databank
- Nebraska Environmental Trust
- Nebraska Forest Service
- Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
- Nebraska – Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society
- Nebraska Unicameral
- State of Nebraska Web Site
- U.S. Geological Survey — Water-Resources of Nebraska
- Extension publications (NebGuides, etc.)
- UN-L Panhandle Research and Extension Center
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Platte Basin Time-lapse Project
- Nebraska Rainfall Assessment & Information Network
- UN-L Water Center
- Platte River Recovery Implementation Program
- State of Nebraska Registered Water Wells database
Local Links
- Panhandle No-Till Partnership
- Scottsbluff-Gering United Chamber of Commerce
- Twin Cities Development Association, Inc.
National & Federal Sites Conservation & Natural Resources
- National Association of Conservation Districts
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
- U.S. Dept. of Interior
- Groundwater Foundation
- Groundwater Management Districts Association
- Groundwater Protection Council
- National Ground Water Association
- National Water Resources Association
- US Water News
- Western States Water Council
- Nebraska Water Well Standard Page
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains Region
Surface Water
- List of Irrigation Districts in the North Platte NRD, or excel spreadsheet
- Pathfinder Irrigation District Website or call (308) 632-1022
- Goshen Irrigation Districts Website in connection with Gering-Ft Laramie