
The North Platte NRD is committed to helping our constituents have the most updated information on drought conditions in our area. The websites below are available to give guidance and statistics on current conditions. The North Platte NRD has established a drought plan to be implemented in the event that drought conditions persist.
What is Drought?
Drought is a deficiency in precipitation over an extended period, usually a season or more, resulting in a water shortage causing adverse impacts on vegetation, animals, and/or people. It is a normal, recurrent feature of climate that occurs in virtually all climate zones, from very wet to very dry. Drought is a temporary aberration from normal climatic conditions, thus it can vary significantly from one region to another. Drought is different than aridity, which is a permanent feature of the climate in regions where low precipitation is the norm, as in a desert.
Human factors, such as water demand and water management, can exacerbate the impact that drought has on a region. Because of the interplay between a natural drought event and various human factors, drought means different things to different people. In practice, drought is defined in many ways that reflect various perspectives and interests.
NPNRD Community Drought Plan
The NPNRD Board of Directors has approved the North Platte NRD Community Drought Plan after stakeholders all over the District came together to participate in the District’s first-ever drought planning process. These conversations, and the ideas they generated, have evolved into the current Drought Plan.
For more information on the North Platte NRD Area Drought, Tournament click here. Also, Click Here for the Drought Plan page.
For detailed Drought information please check out the PDF, Planning, and Drought by James C. Schwab, AICP, Editor. Below is the table contents for Planning and Drought that you may find useful.
Nebraska’s Climate Assessment Response Committee (CARC) Drought Mitigation and Response Plan – includes responsibilities of different government agencies on drought response.
Rural Stress Resouces
*Please reach out, drought affects all of those in a community and we all respond differently.
- Rural Health Information Hub
- Rural Stress Resources from UNL Extension
- Farm State of Mind; Resources for Taking Care of Your Mental Health from the American Farm Bureau Federation
- "Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors Teams Help Survivors Cope"; By Dr. David Miers, PhD, LIPC, Bryan Medical Center Mental Health ServicesCo-Founder Lincoln/Lancaster LOSS Team
Drought Related Links
Surface Water
- Natural Drought Mitigation Center
- Drought Monitor – Nebraska– Map showing current drought conditions in the US and Nebraska
- Seasonal Drought Monitor
- PRISM Climate Data
- NRCS/WRDS Snowpack Data
- Drought Monitoring Tools and Maps
- High Plains Drought Map
- Bureau of Reclamation – Teacup Model for the North Platte Basin
- Shows the current status of the seven Reservoirs in Wyoming that control water on the North Platte River
- Natural Resources Defense Council – What causes prolonged dry spells and how their impact can be mitigated.
Ground Water
- Natural Drought Mitigation Center
- Drought Monitor – Nebraska– Map showing current drought conditions in the US and Nebraska
- Seasonal Drought Monitor
- Drought Stages Summary
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration- Climate Information
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration- Weather information also found here
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -Characterization of the agricultural drought-prone areas on a global scale
- United States Geological Survey – Drought: Things to Know
- Provides background on some of the scientific issues regarding drought
Air Quality Links
- Air Quality Index
- Air Quality Index Basics (explanation of what AQI is)
- Fire & Smoke Map (zoom in to the area of the fires)
- US Wildfire Activity Web Map
- Mullen Fire Information
Climate Links
- Historical Drought in the US (Wikipedia)
- US Drought Portal – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)
- The National Drought Policy Act enacted by Congress in July 1998. This law established “an advisory committee to provide advice and recommendations on the creation of an integrated, coordinated Federal policy designed to prepare for and respond to serious drought emergencies.” The law established the National Drought Policy Commission and directed them to “conduct a thorough study and submit a report on national drought policy.
Water Conservation Tips
It is important to look at some of the small things we do that can save water. Little things can add up to big savings if we take the time to look. These little adjustments can also help to save money! Check out the links below to see all the different ways we can help conserve water.
- 100+ ways to conserve water
- Department of Homeland Security – Indoor/Outdoor conservation tips before and after a drought
- American Red Cross – Drought Preparedness & Water Conservation
- Drought planning through National Drought Mitigation Center/University of Nebraska – Information on Drought
For the Kids
- 100+ ways to conserve water
- For Weather Education tips with the National Weather Service click here.
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Preparing for drought/During a Drought with your Family
Weather Articles
If you have an interest in weather-related articles you can find them here on an additional page.
More Drought: